Architectural Control Committee
Mike Howell, Brian Smith, Brian Mullins, and Jon Payne
The Architectural Control Committee is tasked with reviewing and approving all exterior modifications to the homes and
home sites within Grand Oaks. In addition, the committee is currently in the process of adopting a "Community Standards"
policy that clarifies the current architectural guidelines in the Grand Oaks Master Association Covenants, Conditions &
Resident Advisory Committee:
Bryan Diehl
Mike Howell
Bob Crum
Jim Morris
Paul Dunlap
Parkstone at Grand Oaks Neighborhood Association
Board Members
President: Jim Morris
Vice President: Nelson LeMarquand
Secretary/Treasurer: Chris Shepherd
Social Committee
A favorite committee for most community members! At this time, there are no members for the Social Committee.
Talk to your neighbors and spark some interest in them to get together and get the Social Committee off the ground.
Some events the Committe could plan would be: Community Garage Sale, Block Parties, Events for the Kids, etc.

All members in good standing of Grand Oaks Master Association - Phase II are welcome to join any of the